[Foundation-l] languages with INVENTED codes

Gerard Meijssen gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Sun Oct 19 05:39:35 UTC 2008

Really problematic are codes like the one used for Alsation; the "als" code.
This code is according to the standard to be used by Tosk Albanian while we
use it for "Alsatian". This is not acceptable for what we currently do,
making it compulsory for future new projects is not acceptable either.
Projects like these should be renamed as they are squatting ligitimate codes
for ligitimate languages.

On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 12:48 AM, Crazy Lover <
always_yours.forever at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I add (In language Proposal policy - communiy draft) a clause is for
> languages with
> active wikis, but which Code has been invented: voro (fiu-vro), tarantino
> (roa-tara), Cantonese (zh-yue), min nan (zh-min-nan) , etc.
> For new proposal those will continue using the same
> invented code that are using.
> The problem: Imagine that they will
> use different codes [when get a ISO code or if they have: Min nan (nan),
> Cantonese (yue)] for new projects, the technical chaos that would
> occur.
> Please check it out:
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Meta:Language_proposal_policy/Community_draft
> C.m.l.
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