[Foundation-l] On Arabic and sub-language proposals.

Muhammad Alsebaey shipmaster at gmail.com
Sun Oct 5 08:24:55 UTC 2008

> I think the majority of the body of literature written by Egyptians is
> written in formal Arabic. I simply come to this conclusion because as an
> avid reader I must have come across only one or two literary pieces written
> in Egyptian Arabic as  'pioneering experimental' works (as one author called
> his stuff).

For the sake of correctness, I should state that my field of reading
includes history, science, political analysis and generally non-fiction
topics, I have just been reminded that some poets that use Egyptian as their
writing language (it is a sub-genre called A'mmy), however they didnt have a
standard agreed-upon way of writing it too.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Alsebaey

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