[Foundation-l] Strategy document?

Bryan Tong Minh bryan.tongminh at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 19:04:41 UTC 2008

On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:56 PM, Aryeh Gregor
<Simetrical+wikilist at gmail.com> wrote:
> But until then, nobody's written any music extension yet that's usable
> for us.  It could certainly be done, and if it's a high priority then
> Wikimedia could certainly pay someone to do it, but it's not *quite*
> as trivial as you might think.  Although I don't expect it would be
> terribly difficult either, if someone who understood the requirements
> put in the time.

In anycase somebody cares to write one, don't follow the latex way and
write it in a programming language that other people do understand ;)


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