[Foundation-l] Fwd: fair use on Hungarian Wikipedia - help!

Michael Bimmler mbimmler at gmail.com
Thu Oct 2 21:22:56 UTC 2008

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Szalai Laszlo <szalasz87 at hotmail.com>
Date: 2008/10/2
Subject: RE: fair use on Hungarian Wikipedia - help!
To: foundation-l-owner at lists.wikimedia.org


Please help, the Hungarian Wikipedia have an law problem with not free
images. Near all book, music, movie etc. cover and poster, logos
removed because of Foundation policy.
(http://wikimediafoundation.org/wiki/Resolution:Licensing_policy) Says
"in accordance with United States law and the law of countries where
the project content is predominantly accessed" Hungarian law don't
grant using this kind images. (But not really banned.)

Lot of user would like to illustrating again the article of books,
movies, etc. We maked a fair use like policy for our Wikipedia but
Foundation policy not totally grant it because of Hungarian law. Why
need to be stopped the visual evolution of Hungarian Wikipedia? This
images is not deplete the book publisher and movie studios, etc! It's
popularize them, but they usually don't answers the mails. In the
entire internet anybody don't have any problem because of using
illustrating a text about movie etc. Hosting these by servers it's not
else than the english Wiki's pictures. Why so hard the Foundation
policy for thos countries where there is a outdated law? There wasn't
and won't any problem with it. Can't you help us?

Policy says this too:

"Such EDPs must be minimal. Their use, with limited exception, should
be to illustrate historically significant events, to include
identifying protected works such as logos, or to complement (within
narrow limits) articles about copyrighted contemporary works"

Our plan is good for it, isn't it enough?


László Szalai

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Michael Bimmler
mbimmler at gmail.com

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