[Foundation-l] Agenda for October board meeting

Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton at gmail.com
Wed Oct 1 00:28:57 UTC 2008

> I think you don't appreciate enough how in the
> dark ordinary members of the community (such as myself) are
> as to where each board member falls on each issue. This is the
> dark side of the current lack of transparency.

I share your concerns there - I would very much like to know the views
of individual board members (particularly the community elected ones).
The individual votes on resolutions are sometimes included in the
minutes, but that usually just shows that everyone accepted the final
compromise. More detailed minutes would be much appreciated (perhaps
that could be implemented if a member of staff is used to minute
meetings rather than a board member trying to write things down while
being involved in the discussion - I've minuted meetings myself, I
know how hard it can be).

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