[Foundation-l] Board meeting in Rotterdam later this week

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Jan 14 02:18:40 UTC 2007

senpai wrote:

>It's the only way to have some images in the italian articles. We have a lot 
>of restrictive legislations and we can't use the fair use. For example, we 
>can go in a museum and take some pictures of a painting but, we can't 
>publish into wikipedia without the permission of the "sovraintendenza ai 
>beni culturali"; some days ago the "sovraintendenza ai beni culturali" of 
>florance have threated us for the photos of some painting and ohter kind of 
>arts taked into the florence's museums; perhaps will be a problem also for 
I would suggest that you investigate the "sovraintendenza ai beni 
culturali"'s right to do this.  If I, as a foreign tourist, chose to go 
to the museum, take pictures of old masters' works, and upload them into 
commons when I got home, I don't think there's much they can do about it.


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