One thing I think will be important very important is to have more structured local travel opportunities.<br><br>I was on my own in Taiwan, after Wikimania, since not enough people signed up for the tours. There were three tours (1-day, 2-day, and 3-day) to sign up for. The tour organizer told me he required 30 to sign up for each, otherwise they were canceled. 30 never signed up. Smaller size groups should have been accommodated. Nonetheless, I was comfortable enough with the culture and felt perfectly safe, to be on my own.
<br><br>For 2008, I think minimum size for groups should be *much* smaller. I look forward to visiting a place with much different culture than my own. This time, I will know more of the language. But, I think the culture is different enough that having someone local guide me and other attendees around would make the experience better.