[Wikimania-l] Thanks for all the fish... and lessons learned

Daniel Kinzler daniel at brightbyte.de
Tue Aug 9 21:29:48 UTC 2011

On 09.08.2011 15:26, Delphine Ménard wrote:
> * Food: the food was so excellent it's not even funny (wow the
> hummus). But I've seen _lots_ of people looking for the vegetarian
> food without ever knowing which it was. So: Label food. Name of the
> food, principal ingredients (some are allergic to say... bell pepper,
> can't have milk etc.), vegetarian, kosher, whatever is of importance,
> make it clear.

let me add my few ¢ about the catering: I agree that the food was excellent,
thanks for that! However, the folks who were passing out the food were clearly
not up to the task. They couldn't answer any questions about the food, and it
took them quite a while to pass it out. It would have worked better if people
had just served themselves, especially if the food was clearly labeled.

As to drinks: please have more water in the rooms. And everywhere, really. Water
seemed to be in short supply throughout the conference. And the coffee was
pretty bad... oh, well :)

Don't take me the wrong way - the catering was really good. But there's always
something that wasn't perfect, so that#s what I'm picking on :)

A big thanks and kudos to the Wikimania team!

-- daniel

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