[Wikimania-l] Thanks for all the fish... and lessons learned

Amir E. Aharoni amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il
Tue Aug 9 13:56:05 UTC 2011

2011/8/9 Delphine Ménard <notafishz at gmail.com>:
> * Food: the food was so excellent it's not even funny (wow the
> hummus).


> But I've seen _lots_ of people looking for the vegetarian
> food without ever knowing which it was. So: Label food. Name of the
> food, principal ingredients (some are allergic to say... bell pepper,
> can't have milk etc.), vegetarian, kosher, whatever is of importance,
> make it clear.

You are right. We made sure that there would be enough vegetarian and
vegan food in all meals, including hot main courses. On the way we
taught the catering staff what veganism is, so vegans can be happy
about this educational success :)

Nevertheless, a significant number of vegetarian people had hard time
finding their meals. I thought about labeling it, because discerning
the ingredients is not always easy, especially in a foreign country.
Unfortunately, it slipped my mind at the last minute.

Recommendation to all future Wikimania organizers: Just ask the
catering company for detailed labels on the food. Don't just ask, put
it in the contract. They know the info, they have the staff and it
should be their job.


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