[Wikimania-l] taking a taxi to the Technion

Marcin Cieslak saper at saper.info
Mon Aug 1 23:04:01 UTC 2011

>> Amir E. Aharoni <amir.aharoni at mail.huji.ac.il> wrote:
> If you are taking a taxi to the Technion dorms, demand that the driver
> take you inside the campus to the dorm itself and not leave you at the
> gate of the Technion campus.
> If the driver insists, tell him that the manager of the taxi station,
> Shlomo, said that the drivers are supposed to take Wikimania
> participants all the way to the dorms.

Ask him to go uphill after the first stop bus stop - there is a side
 road that goes directly to our dorm:


We are "ATS Village II" second row (the road is actually
also behind the building where you can disembark). I assume
that if you are taking the taxi you prefer not to walk uphill.

At 22:20 today I took a 123 bus from the train at Haifa Hof HaKarmel
platform 15 and changed to bus 19. Getting off at Kikar Ziv is
tricky for first a time so just ask the driver. 
I have re-used my ticket from bus 123 so it all costs 6,40.

I took my way more time to find my way on the campus 
then to deal with the public transportation issues 
and it was very pleasant (all busses had air conditioning
and the train as well).

When riding a bus watch for a nice Wikimania 2011 signs
in the middle of the road!


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