[Wikimania-l] Wikimania 2008 Public Meeting with Bidders

Florence Devouard wmf-l at anthere.org
Wed Sep 19 13:09:06 UTC 2007

Cary Bass wrote:
> Wikinews Markie wrote:
>> Just 2 things about this.  Will the meeting be logged as i can't make 
>> it due to travel arrangements and i dont want to miss it!  Also the 
>> channel was set as invite only, is this going to be removed for the 
>> chat (sorry if it has been already - havent made it onto irc for a day 
>> or two).
> 1) The meeting will be logged.
> 2) As we haven't completely decided on the meeting format, whatever the 
> status of the channel today has nothing to do with it on Sunday.  We'll 
> deal with that Sunday, okay?  :)

I would suggest not making it invite-only (otherwise, do not call it 
Public Meeting....)
But either
* give voice only to Wikimania bid team and all city bid team (it is 
public, but non bidders can not speak) (you technically prevent non 
bidders to talk)
* ask the public to limit its questions to certain moments (everyone can 
talk, but non bidders are kindly ask not to interrupt individual city 
presentation) (you do not prevent talking by technical mean, but by 
persuation. Those who do not respect the rules are kicked out of the 
room. Rules must be clear from the start of the meeting).


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