On 05/19/2012 07:39 PM, Andrea Zanni wrote:
Hi Platonides, in Instagram you don't have the possibility of declaring a CC license (as in FB, if I'm not wrong) but you all answered my real question: I wondered if a pic done with the Instagram app (and often already published on the website) was able to be licensed in CC. It is :-)
Let me put it stronger: the tools used to edit a creation will NOT affect its license.
It does not matter if a text was composed in Microsoft Word, notepad or vi, a picture edited in Instagram, Photoshop ir GIMP, the license is always the author's choice.
I am neither familiar with Instagram from not using it, but it is handy if the platform provides some metadata and APIs, so the import is easy. For example we used custom scripts for flickr import and they were able to mass import images, preserving monument IDs and license, as they were provided in metadata (tags).