I only got this after my last post. This looks like the best tool I've seen by far! Can we get lots more details? *How many pix will it work with? - 15,000 seemed to work ok. *Can "random voters" participate, or do they need to log in, i.e. can a big group be invited to participate. *How are the votes totalled up (including all voters)? *Do the pix all have to be transfered from Commons to another site, or can it be all done on Commons? *How did it work in practice - were there any glitches last year?
Any help appreciated. Smallbones
2012/6/24 Nuno Tavares <nuno.tavares@wikimedia.pt mailto:nuno.tavares@wikimedia.pt>
Greetings all, We had such a tool running on our website. Briefly: * We create tokens for each juri; * We randomly assign images for each token (each will get TOTAL/TOKENS images approx.), putting them on a "bucket level 1"; * Then, the token is sent to the juri person, which will use it to browse through the gallery of his assigned photos, and the selection process begins. * The selection process consists in 2 passes: -- The juri person either "promotes" interesting images to "bucket 2" or "demotes" uninteresting images to "bucket 0" (to mark them as viewed). -- Most probably, in the end the juri person has selected too much images for bucket 2, so the last step is to demote images from bucket 2 to 1 again. In the end, the bucket 2 should have the number we established (50) for him to have present on the juri presencial meeting. The tool was further extended for helping during the juri presencial meeting: people gather somewhere, and the tool merges the 50 selected photos from each, and then a voting mechanism is due: each juri present will assign a classification. At the end, the selection list is downloaded (for mobility) and ordered to clear out exequo's (each juri will change his vote according to the discussion). You can have a "status" from last year, here: http://wlm2011.ufp.wikimedia.__pt/tools/juri/status.php <http://wlm2011.ufp.wikimedia.pt/tools/juri/status.php> And I believe you can try things (this is a "running copy" of the old site): http://wlm2011.ufp.wikimedia.__pt/tools/juri/?token=a5e88407-__be35-11e1-a7d1-eae4baf4981c <http://wlm2011.ufp.wikimedia.pt/tools/juri/?token=a5e88407-be35-11e1-a7d1-eae4baf4981c>