[WikiFR-l] Résultats d'une recherche universitaire sur Wikipedia

Patrice Létourneau patrice_letourneau at hotmail.com
Ven 12 Jan 04:27:19 UTC 2007


Pour les personnes que ça intéresse, je fais suivre ce courriel à propos de 
la première partie de l’étude du « Department of Psychology II, Industrial 
and Organizational Psychology » de l’Université de Wuerzburg.

Patrice Létourneau


>From: schroer at psychologie.uni-wuerzburg.de
>To: patrice_letourneau at hotmail.com
>Subject: Results of Wikipedia survey
>Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 13:25:56 +0100 (CET)
>some time ago you asked to be notified as soon as results of our survey 
>among Wikipedia contributors are available. There is now a "working paper" 
>on the results of the first part of the study, i.e. our survey among 
>contributors to the German Wikipedia.
>The paper is available from the following URLs:
>The paper is now under review for publication, and your comments are very 
>Best wishes,
>Joachim Schroer
>Joachim Schroer, Dipl.-Psych.
>University of Wuerzburg
>Department of Psychology II, Industrial and Organizational Psychology
>Roentgenring 10
>97070 Wuerzburg
>Phone:	+49 931 31 6062
>Fax:	+49 931 31 6063


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