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On Sun, 2004-03-21 at 02:34, A [name omitted for privacy reasons] wrote:
<PRE><FONT SIZE="3">The mediation committee has refused to mediate in any</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">circumstance or issue for which I am a participant.</FONT></PRE>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>Firstly, it should be noted that this sentence is factually accurate.</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>But so was the memorable claim by William Clinton:</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>"I did not have 'sexual relations' with that _woman_... ,Monica Lewinsky!"</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>The problem with _your_ claim is not the word "is". Rather I would </FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>emphasize the significate functions of the words "any" and "refuse" </FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>in your claim.</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>Specifically, I would point out that you have not raised "any" </FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>"circumstance" or "issue" on which you would like mediation, and</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>thus "refusal" is the only option open to any and all mediators</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>past, present or future. Should you wish to remedy that state, I</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>am confident that refusal will not subsist.</FONT></TT>
<PRE><FONT SIZE="3">What is the point of this committee, if it refuses to</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">even attempt mediation with some of the supposedly</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">more "mediationally-challenged" users?</FONT></PRE>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>Absolutely none. How happy a circumstance then, that this</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>state of affairs does not obtain!</FONT></TT>
<PRE><FONT SIZE="3">I think everyone on the mediation committee should be</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">asked to resign, so that we can get some users who</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">actually want to mediate and facilitate discussion. </FONT></PRE>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>Here, I would suggest that you start small; try to impeach a</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>specific mediator. Like me, for instance.</FONT></TT>
<PRE><FONT SIZE="3">It</FONT><FONT SIZE="3"> </FONT><FONT SIZE="3">seems clear to me that these people only took the</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">position because they saw it as a way of becoming</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">"super-sysops" -- not because they really wanted to</FONT>
<FONT SIZE="3">undertake the effort of mediation. </FONT></PRE>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>Your perspicacity is awe-inspiring. For myself, I never have had</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>_any_ wish to "undertake the effort of mediation". What I _do_</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>have, is the wish to do _anything_ that will aid in improving the</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>way that Wikipedia functions. </FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>Respectfully (barely),</FONT></TT>
<FONT SIZE="3"><TT>Jussi-Ville Heiskanen </FONT></TT>