It seems to be working again. For Tim Starling, Sannse is right. I have had a user name since February 2002 and have been a sysop since April 2002 or so, which makes it at least a year. It is not a question of an anonymous IP being blocked. <BR>
On the other hand, I do have a problem with anonymous IPs being blocked in an effort to block problematic users. Imagine how it looks for a new user, just getting her feet wet, to receive a message that she is blocked because she is suspected of being someone else. I do not know the solution, but some effort should be made to find one. BTW, I am an aol user, but I generally sign on through my Verizon account. <BR>
Well, in any event, it's good to be back. <BR>
Wikikarma (I like the idea): a bunch of articles on the first few prime ministers of Iraq--the 1920s are done. </FONT></HTML>