[WikiEN-l] iCorrect

Fred Bauder fredbaud at fairpoint.net
Mon Mar 28 15:55:16 UTC 2011

> On 28 March 2011 16:13, Victor Vasiliev <vasilvv at gmail.com> wrote:
>> OTRS is not that bad, at least as far as I know. The volunteers there
>> are supposed to be friendly (at least polite) as long as the person
>> does not behave very aggresively. The only problem I am aware of is
>> backlog ([[m:OTRS/volunteering]] is the only answer here).
> The problem is - well, OTRS will usually be polite and helpful and
> correct the mistake, if it seems uncontroversioal. But six weeks
> later, someone might come along and "correct it back", usually
> entirely in good faith, because there's a source floating around that
> says differently. What can the OTRS agent do? Without a valid public
> source to point to, it's quite hard to achieve anything here - "trust
> me, the source is wrong" is a sentence that understandably gets
> people's backs up. And we've historically been very relucant to use
> OTRS as a sort of "private editorial corrections database", for
> various reasons, not least that it would probably produce more drama
> than it prevents!
> It works well initially, but it breaks down if it gets disputed.
> --
> - Andrew Gray
>   andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

A personal note from the subject needs to be added, and accepted, as
reference. It is by most authors and editors, for appropriate matters.


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