[WikiEN-l] Knowino

Thomas Larsen larsen.t at basicprogramming.org
Sat Apr 16 00:40:58 UTC 2011

Hello folks!

Most of you are probably familiar with Citizendium, the competitor to
Wikipedia that Larry Sanger started back in 2006. Citizendium is now
dying under the weight of a massive bureaucracy, which was landed upon
the project either far too early or far too late in its development at
a time when there were not enough users to support it. A cursory
glance over the forums at http://forum.citizendium.org will reveal a
great deal of bickering and quarrelling, and very little progress.

Several months back, I decided to create a "fork" of Citizendium
called "Knowino". (I guess I intended it more as a social than a
technical fork—so far we've imported quite a few mathematics and
physics articles from Citizendium, but my main aim has been to run the
community in a less bureaucratic and top-down way than Citizendium.)
You can find it on the Web at:


Knowino is still very, very much in the development stage (one could
argue that a wiki never really *leaves* that stage), ;-) but so far
here are the main things that differentiate Knowino from Citizendium
and/or Wikipedia:

   * Anyone can contribute. Creating an account and signing in is
recommended, but not mandatory. (Unlike Citizendium, where you have to
create an account under your own real name.)

   * Expert contributors are invited to review articles using Flagged
Revisions. (Unlike Wikipedia. The process for selecting expert
contributors still needs to be fleshed out a little.)

   * Temporary content "forks" (splits) are used to facilitate dispute
resolution. (Unlike both Wikipedia and Citizendium.)

   * We allow multiple articles, written from different approaches, on
individual topics. (Unlike both Wikipedia and Citizendium. I suppose
we'll see how this turns out in the long run.)

If you're interested, I encourage you to check out Knowino at


Thomas Larsen

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