[WikiEN-l] Another Media and Wikipedia blackout on NYT reporter in Afghanistan

geni geniice at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 20:47:23 UTC 2009

2009/9/9 Jussi-Ville Heiskanen <cimonavaro at gmail.com>:
> I do agree that it is a bit more than a bit silly to expect
> wikipedia to not only surprise occasionally with scooping
> other more established news organizations, but in fact
> be there before all the other major news orgs with the
> full nitty gritty.

I don't. Plenty of stories where wikipedians are in a better position
to track the specialist publications where things break first.

> However the source of why critics of these two stories
> about suppression have focused on wikipedia, likely
> stems from the fact our articles edit histories are out
> there for most people to see, if they have a bit of savvy.

They haven't focused on wikipedia. At most we get a passing mention.
Probably more to do with conflict with our generally fairly anti
censorship position.


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