[WikiEN-l] BBC blog on WSJ study

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Fri Nov 27 17:19:16 UTC 2009

2009/11/27 Durova <nadezhda.durova at gmail.com>:

> It's hard to understand the conjecture that Wikipedia ties in with those
> plans.  If anything, Wikipedia's habit of referencing historic news articles
> would help Mr. Murdoch's bottom line because it sends traffic to old
> articles, which can generate advertising revenue from old news that would
> otherwise be valueless.

Dunno about Murdoch, but the NYT was making similar noises about
Google and in fact claimed that Wikipedia was ripping them off by
referencing their articles:


"So, in essence, many Wikipedia articles are another way that the work
of news publications is quickly condensed and reused without

This is more than a little rich considering Wikipedia is the
number-one universal backgrounder for working journalists. A number of
us shouted WHAT ON EARTH rather loudly:


- but we've yet to hear a peep from Noam Cohen explaining just
precisely what the hell he was playing at. I urge the next person he
calls to question him closely on this one.

- d.

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