[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia Lesson Plan

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Fri Nov 13 21:49:27 UTC 2009

Charles Matthews wrote:
> The article you posted seemed to
> take the epistemology as the basic "lesson": if you tell me we "know" 
> that, what do you mean by "know"? It's a reasonable assumption that 
> being analytical about how something in an encyclopedia article can be 
> described as "known" would prove educational, say in the early teenage 
> years. The article was on the first poetry anthology published in 
> English, and the question I would have is more about general relevance 
> of content. Just one statement: the first edition had many poems 
> containing religious commentary that were taken out in later editions. 
> OK, fine, if you know the publication date was 1557, the year before 
> Mary Tudor died, you are going to ask more and different questions, not 
> just "how do we know that?" which can probably be established by putting 
> two books side by side. (This is about [[Tottel's Miscellany]], by the way.)

There is an unfortunate tendency for current day editors to view the 
history of past centuries in a more compressed manner than warranted. 
The article in question includes the sentence: "It is generally included 
with Elizabethan era literature even if it was, in fact, published in 
1557, a year before Elizabeth I took the throne." That doesn't mention 
Mary at all. It ignores the effect of the less than Catholic Elizabeth's 
rule in comparison to that of her sister.


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