[WikiEN-l] "Wikipedia approaches its limits" - Technology Guardian

Charles Matthews charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Mon Aug 17 06:05:24 UTC 2009

Steve Bennett wrote:
> The 1% reversion rate for experienced editors was also interesting. I
> doubt my edits get reverted at anything like that high a rate.
Yes, the mean here might tell less than the median. (I.e. you'd expect 
to see very different figures for controversial and non-controversial 
articles, and lumping all articles and frequent editors together and 
averaging isn't going to be that helpful.)

As http://asc-parc.blogspot.com/ admits, they (the PARC people) have 
basically done a press release on a conference paper that won't be 
produced until WikiSym in October. This would account for the rather 
sensationalised tone of it all.


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