[WikiEN-l] Online Newspapers Considering Subscription Model

FT2 ft2.wiki at gmail.com
Sat Aug 8 00:35:35 UTC 2009

On Sat, Aug 8, 2009 at 1:26 AM,  <wjhonson at aol.com> wrote:

> I'm not really seeing any solution in your words.
> Would you then change policy to state that if an item is behind a
> subscription wall, then it cannot be cited at all, regardless of
> whether others can access it freely (with an existing subscription,
> library card, or on site).  Is that what you'd propose?  If not, then
>  what?

I haven't proposed a solution (except the initial one, that if needed WMF
might find a way to let a good number of editors have access to subscription
sites for the purpose).

I'm not so much proposing changing any policy. I'm noting policy exists to
serve a project goal. If the environment of the project changes
substantially so that existing policies do not then meet project goals, then
we would need to find new solutions and/or modify past norms.

(Other ways may be (for example) that users have to upload a photo of the
page to a non-GFDL area where material is held purely for verification
alone. Others can verify the cite is accurate then the photo is deleted.)

Again I'm not saying we should do that either. Instead, if too much change
happened to our ability to check cites on the spot, then we'd have to
develop a way to meet the need for quick verification of most cites in some
other (new) way, and that would stabilize and inform an updated policy.

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