[WikiEN-l] Why Google's online encyclopedia will never be as good as Wiki...

Philip Sandifer snowspinner at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 01:54:13 UTC 2008

On Sep 22, 2008, at 9:47 PM, WJhonson at aol.com wrote:

> Knol is only a few months old, but already it seems like a much  
> more  Randian
> approach to the underlying issue than Wikipedia.  That is, each   
> artist is
> allowed to fully express their art-form in their own way, and the  
> best  art
> rises to the top of the heap.  That's the intent, it may not yet be  
> the  fact.  It
> may never be.  We'll see.

This does not seem any more Randian than blogging does.

I mean, not that I disagree with your basic conclusion, but there's no  
real reason to tie the observation that Knol is personality-driven  
while Wikipedia attempts to meld personalities into a consistent  
amalgamation to controversial schools of political thought.


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