[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia is a public toilet - says Jimbo?

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Wed Jan 9 06:31:01 UTC 2008

doc wrote:
> Jimbo: "It is very similar to, well as odd as the analogy might be, this 
> idea of a public restroom, it really is that you have no idea who just 
> cleaned the toilet [something inaudible about the "fancy hotel" for the 
> interview?] but, you know what, I'm sure it's clean, right, because the 
> hotel has a good reputation I don't need the name of the person who did 
> it, right, I know there's processes in place and it seems perfectly fine"
> ....[interviewer is astonished at the bold comparison].....
> Jimbo "It's a good clean public toilet"
> Not sure how wise the self-depreciating humour is. It didn't exactly 
> work out for [[Gerald Ratner]]....?

Hmm, I thought it went over pretty well. :)  I am not the originator of 
the concept of that response, but I don't know who said it first.

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