[WikiEN-l] Advertising on Wikipedia

Kurt Maxwell Weber kmw at armory.com
Mon Aug 18 20:48:42 UTC 2008

On Monday 18 August 2008 15:33, Steve Summit wrote:
> Nathan wrote:
> > Honestly? You can't think if anything the Foundation could do with more
> > money, or a more stable stream of income?
> But that's not what I asked.  I asked what the Foundation *needed*
> more money for, what it was currently failing at without more money.
> (And you didn't answer either question.)

And he shouldn't answer that, because that's not the issue.

The issue is revenue *down the road*.

Develop a good advertising revenue stream now, and it'll be there down the 
road, in case donations don't scale with the scope of WMF projects and 

Seriously, how can this advertising actually hurt anything?  What's 
intrinsically wrong with it?

Kurt Weber
<kmw at armory.com>

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