[WikiEN-l] The dangers of not citing Wikipedia

WJhonson at aol.com WJhonson at aol.com
Mon Aug 11 20:41:10 UTC 2008

As to the point about secondary citation, it is standard practice in  classes 
that teach about research and writing to cover how to do secondary  citation. 
 For example look at
The way we should approach citing a reference *through* someone else's  
citation is
"so and so as cited in such and such"
It's really a matter of courtesy that we cite *in some way* the actual  
source which we actually consulted.  Of course that isn't the issue  here.  It 
would appear, reading-between-the-lines, that exact quotes or  paraphrases were 
lifted from the Wikipedia article without either en-quoting, or  acknowledging 
the source whatsoever.  Or perhaps merely acknowledging it by  way of a simple 
bibliography, which really isn't sufficient if you are  quoting.
Will Johnson

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