[WikiEN-l] Do NOT appeal bans, for your own sake (was Re: Admins who do not have email this user enabled (list inside))

K P kpbotany at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 23:39:31 UTC 2007

On 9/18/07, Marc Riddell <michaeldavid86 at comcast.net> wrote:
> > On 16/09/2007, Armed Blowfish <diodontida.armata at googlemail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Come to think of it, appealing blocks of
> >> any kind can often result in being attacked.
> >> Therefore, my advice to blocked or banned
> >> users who have disclosed their real name or
> >> a long-standing pseudonym is this:
> >> DO NOT APPEAL.  Simply request any
> >> courtesy blankings / deletions you want,
> >> hoping that by not appealing you don't
> >> become 'notable', by some odd defintion
> >> that Wikipaedia uses as a justification for
> >> destroying the online and offline reputations
> >> of banned users, and then go poof!  Unless
> >> your requests for courtesy blankings and
> >> deletions are refused, or worse yet
> >> responded to with more attacks, in which
> >> case I guess you are screwed.
> >> blah blah
> >>
> >
> on 9/18/07 8:50 AM, Vee at vee.be.me at gmail.com wrote:
> > Oddly enough I actually agree with this. If I was banned I wouldn't kick up
> > a huge fuss fighting it (even if it really was unfair) because in those
> > cases people tend to react against you even more and you'll never hear the
> > end of it. Best to just drop it and move on.
> Vee,
> They react against you because you protest being banned!? And simply the
> fear of this is enough to deter you?!
> Doesn't sound like a very friendly, mature culture!
> Marc Riddell
No it doesn't.  But deterence due to fear sounds smart.

People did seem to enjoy, with malice, how irritated I got at being
banned by an administrator who had plenty more history of bannable
actions than I did.  Protesting a wrongful ban was pretty stupid,
because of the way the administrator involved took it as AN INVITATION
to berate, attack, and insult me to all of AN/I.  And, again, as far
as I can tell, the other administrators really enjoyed it.

Armed Blowfish is giving good advice in the current climate at Wikipedia.


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