[WikiEN-l] Do NOT appeal bans, for your own sake (was Re: Admins who do not have email this user enabled (list inside))

Monahon, Peter B. Peter.Monahon at USPTO.GOV
Tue Sep 18 20:03:43 UTC 2007

> Earlier: ... Why are the list 
> moderators a) still allowing 
> boring diatribes from Armed
> Blowfish and b) allowing 2 
> day old boring diatribes from 
> anybody through all of a 
> sudden.

Peter Blaise responds:  You're missing a "?" question mark, but I
presume you're making a statement anyway, not really asking a question.
Rhetorical, right?

Is there a scroll-down arrow key or delete key on your own computer
keyboard?  You may find either of those two keys a whole lot easier to
use than all those other alphabet keys.  I'm just sayin'.  Of course,
*I* love to hear from you.  I'm not saying don't write in, even if what
you have to say may not be interesting to someone else.  But, then, why
don't we give the same benefit of the doubt to other people's posts that
you might not be interested in?  Let's let others decide for themselves
what to read or not, okay?  

... unless YOU are paying the admin / moderator, and the list has your
name on the title, eh?  ;-)  No?!?  Well then, let's reduce the
volunteer admin /moderator's job description to (a) preventing spam and
(b) moderating off-topic postsers.  

Otherwise, I can do my own editing, thank you, and I would NOT want to
miss something just because YOU are not interested in it.  I am not
interested in reading this list ONLY over YOUR shoulder!

Oh, and by the way, I'm very interested in reading posts from
ArmedBlowfish, and exploring the challenging experiences and viewpoint
therein.  I'm just sayin'.

- Peter Blaise Monahon, USPTO/OTPC, 571-272-3950, MDE 4D68, WS01419 (and
571-272-3532, MDW 3B28, ETC00322)

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