[WikiEN-l] Harassment sites

charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com charles.r.matthews at ntlworld.com
Mon Oct 15 21:44:28 UTC 2007

Marc Riddell 

> The mood is angry, the
> climate is cold, and the culture in trouble. 

Do realise that the people happy getting on with editing are doing exactly that. People on the site externalising all sorts of other, perhaps negative things, are doing what happens in many other places on the Internet. They are filling blanks on the screen in front of them, with whatever they have to hand. 

I doubt the culture is in more trouble than it has been before, really. There is an air of greater seriousness about the site's administration, that kicked in around two years ago. David Gerard's style of comments is one way of explaining that. Mine, actually, another. Fred Bauder's would be another. Kat Walsh's, when we get them, another again. The main point would be that these comments are informed. We all see rather different things in the ink blot. Now, I think you are looking at a part of the picture where you can bring expertise to bear. The rest of us are in the position, very different really, of treating Wikipedia as something on which no one knows enough to be treated as an expert

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