[WikiEN-l] Removal of adminship...

Adrian aldebaer at googlemail.com
Sun Oct 7 23:38:03 UTC 2007

Anthony schrieb:
> On 10/7/07, Adrian <aldebaer at googlemail.com> wrote:
>> With that rationale, why would we need a process where the community
>> expresses trust with the tools in the first place?
> Well, it makes sockpuppetry harder.  Other than that, it really isn't needed.
Are there more people who share that opinion? I always thought RfA 
mattered *somehow*.
>> So you're basically saying: The community is good enough to be called upon
>> to express their trust initially, but they can never express a change of
>> heart regarding that trust? Sounds weird.
> It's not a concept without precedent.  Lots of US judicial positions
> work that way, for instance.
The status quo in US politics may not be the *gold standard* we'd want 
to model Wikipedia after.

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