[WikiEN-l] Featured editors?

joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu joshua.zelinsky at yale.edu
Mon Nov 12 00:26:35 UTC 2007

Quoting "Daniel R. Tobias" <dan at tobias.name>:

> On 11 Nov 2007 at 21:46:14 +0000, Guy Chapman aka JzG
> <guy.chapman at spamcop.net> wrote:
>> Have you ever actually looked at Wikipedia Review?  Just curious.
> Well, you and the whole BADSITES crowd have seemed to be determined
> to make sure that people *don't* look at it and get a chance to make
> up their own mind about its nature, rather than be spoon-fed your
> vilification of it.  What other reason was there for insisting that
> all links to it be banned?

Guy's question had complete validity independent of his attitude about linking
(and it might be noteworthy that I've generally been an opponent of BADSITES
but am in essential agreement with him in this matter(

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