[WikiEN-l] Moderation on this mailing list

Guy Chapman aka JzG guy.chapman at spamcop.net
Tue Feb 20 12:37:39 UTC 2007

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 17:24:01 +0900, "Mark Ryan" <ultrablue at gmail.com>

>This is in response to my rejection of two emails, both of which I
>considered to contain personal attacks because they called various
>administrators 'abusive' etc. What are the thoughts of subscribers to
>the list on this? What would the appropriate course of action have

The mods of this list are conservative in their interpretation,
allowing people the benefit of the doubt long after some of us have
written them off as a bad job.  I join the small chorus backing your
sound judgment on this.

For my money, a properly stated case against an admin from an editor
with a history and a decent reputation is never a problem.  The vast
majority of complaints about admin behaviour are generic "rouge admin
abuse" crap and can safely be ignored, especially if they can't bring
themselves to state it in a civil manner.  Sounds like this lot fails
on both levels.

Guy (JzG)

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