[WikiEN-l] "About Wikipedia" in navigation sidebar

William Pietri william at scissor.com
Fri Feb 9 19:41:25 UTC 2007

Steve Bennett wrote:
> On 2/9/07, David Gerard <dgerard at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, there is the "more and more crap" problem ... what would people
>> suggest removing, if anything?
> Well here's my 2 cents:
> Main page: scrap it, it's redundant. That's what clicking on the ball does.

A friend of mine recently redesigned a well-known website and got rid of 
the textual home page link. In the user testing here in the San 
Francisco area, it worked fine. When the site launched, it was their 
number one usability problem, because many people don't know that a site 
logo is a magic home link.

They wanted to make it more obvious that the logo was something special, 
but didn't want to do anything as gauche as putting a blue border around 
it. Their final solution was to make the logo highlighted on mouseover, 
so that mere mortals could learn that it was a link to the home page.


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