[WikiEN-l] Jayjg is AWOL

FT2 ft2.wiki at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 21:02:50 UTC 2007

There is a delicate balance of interests in a debate like this.

First, some topics will /only/ be fully explored in private with trusted
individuals, rather than the entire open community -- especially if there
are seriously personal or admin/project reasons to consider.  Office, OTRS,
arb-email, checkuser, oversight... Wikipedia is far from completely
transparent and this /already/ has a high degree of communal assent.

Second, not everyone wants their debate to become troll-fodder -- and by
this I don't mean people in this discussion, I mean people out to stir
trouble or with an axe to grind or grudge, or warriors or fantasists who
would pick up any quotes from the mailing list and wiki, and run off
half-assed theories and speculations about it, likely destroying Jayjg's
reputation before a fair neutral discussion can be obtained.  This matter
does cover sensitive stuff after all.

So there are serious and good reasons to expect some matters /will/ contain
a private aspect. 

The flip side is, this works if one trusts the process and individuals
concerned, and  the result will eventually be made as transparent as
possible and fair, and if one believes a fair conclusion will be reached.
Adminship is first and foremost a statement of strong confidence by the
community, and oversight more so.  If that confidence is (right or wrongly)
threatened it's usually a serious impediment and concern.  Also, anxiety in
the face of reduced information on a serious matter is natural for many
people.  It doesn't need to merit harsh words.  Ultimately, if the community
eventually feels it knows enough, will have reasonable answers, and feels
reassured in the end, that'll be what counts.  A bit like oversight, it's
more important to feel it is well judged and have some sense why it's gone
that way, and what it meant. 

When I first heard "AWOL" I feared for Jayjg, and hoped he was okay. My
first reaction was not to jump on the drama of his wiki editing, but to
consider him as a human being as well as respect the concerns noted in the
email.  I'm reassured that he is well, glad he is in contact, and glad to
hear it's being carefully discussed. If the final resolution reassures and
validates community confidence, I would say that is all the rest that's

As for Jayjg himself, I hope he has acted properly in all this, since he has
given greatly of his time and effort to the community and project, and I'm
fairly sure nobody is letting the discussion being held in private, gather


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