[WikiEN-l] When Websites Attack

Stephen Bain stephen.bain at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 03:00:07 UTC 2007

On 8/27/07, Risker <risker.wp at gmail.com> wrote:
> The section on external links currently embedded in NPA is inappropriate, as
> most of these links are NOT personal attacks.  It should be replaced with a
> prohibition on using any links for the purpose of making a personal attack.
> The discussion of removing ALL or MOST external links to sites that may
> harbour a personal attack against an individual Wikipedian is more correctly
> done at WP:EL.

I'm going to repeat what I've said before on this matter: much of this
is already covered by the blocking policy. Making personal attacks is
blockable. Posting personal information is blockable. Making threats
is blockable. Doing anything that puts someone else in danger is

All we need to do is make it clear that whether you do on the wiki, or
somewhere else that you link to from the wiki, you get blocked for it.

Stephen Bain
stephen.bain at gmail.com

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