[WikiEN-l] Seth Finkelstein

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Sun Apr 22 01:11:50 UTC 2007

I'm disappointed that Finkelstein was first labeled a troll (by Jimbo 
himself) and then put on moderation; this despite the fact that I 
disagree with many of his views.  I found his writing interesting and 
thoughtful, and of some use in current debates given that he presents 
a viewpoint very similar to Brandt's, but (as somebody put it on this 
list a long time ago) speaks fluent geek, showing more respect for 
Wikipedia and "free" computing projects in general than does Brandt, 
who can't resist getting in a few sneers at Internet culture and 
teenage geeks.  Thus, he's better at presenting a particular set of 
ideas and criticisms in a way we can understand and appreciate, even 
if we still don't agree with them.  He's not a "troll" unless you 
Assume Bad Faith about him.

== Dan ==
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