[WikiEN-l] Wikipedia is forever.

Daniel R. Tobias dan at tobias.name
Sat Jul 15 15:14:07 UTC 2006

On 15 Jul 2006 at 00:34, "Gregory Maxwell" <gmaxwell at gmail.com> wrote:

> Along these lines:
> Will anyone care in a year? two years? ten years? one hundred years?
> Wikipedia is forever.

This is an interesting line of discussion... Just what does everybody 
think is likely to be the future of Wikipedia in ten, one hundred, 
one thousand, ... years?

Barring a total catastropic collapse of civilization (and possibly 
even then), it's likely that some copy of some portion of some 
version of Wikipedia will survive somewhere, given its wide 
dissemination.  Such a thing will likely be an imporant resource for 
future historians / archeologists / anthropologists / etc. 
researching human culture of the early 21st century.

However, in such a scenario, the surviving Wikipedia would be merely 
a "dead" historical document, albeit a massive one with many 
alternative versions.

Or, is it the belief here that a "living" Wikipedia, still being 
actively updated and open to such updates from the general public, 
will continue to exist for centuries to come?

== Dan ==
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