[WikiEN-l] Quick follow up to my Wyss post

JEFFREY KAUFFMAN jeffrey_kauffman at msn.com
Sat Jan 21 11:04:39 UTC 2006

First of all, I want to thank Mark for IMing me and telling me not to stress.

I am sure this all seems patently ridiculous to many of you, but, as I stated in an email to some of the Administrators, I have spent 20 years of my life attempting to rectify print and other media inaccuracies about Frances Farmer, and my only vested interest in the Wikipedia article is one of accuracy.

I want to say that evidently Wyss has gone back and reworded some of the information she cribbed from my web article "Shedding Light on Shadowland," I assume in an attempt to make it seem less plagiarized.  That is fine and I will let that issue rest for the time being.

There is one funny (for me, anyway) punchline.  Wyss reverted one of my corrections, citing an American Atheist article as her source.  Ready for it?:  the American Atheist article (which does contain some minor errors of fact, including the one Wyss is repeating) uses my research extensively, quotes me throughout and indeed features a whole additional article largely devoted to me and my research.  The American Atheist article was written by my friend Conrad Goeringer.

So here is Wyss, insisting I am not Jeff Kauffman and not the author of "Shedding Light on Shadowland," reverting my absolutely verifiable corrections (I will happily provide source material to anyone who asks) to incorrect version while citing an article that uses my research to begin with!

OK, I think I've vented enough now.

It would be nice if someone would restore my editing privliges and ask Wyss to stop making her completely unfounded allegations that I somehow "cloned" her User ID.  I'm sure it is easily provable by ISP numbers or whatever is used that I did not clone her User ID, nor make any harrassing commments to her.  All I ever did was ask her to fact-check her information before posting it.

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