[WikiEN-l] Notability meta-guidelines

Peter Mackay peter.mackay at bigpond.com
Wed Jan 18 17:20:26 UTC 2006

> From: wikien-l-bounces at Wikipedia.org 
> [mailto:wikien-l-bounces at Wikipedia.org] On Behalf Of Steve Bennett
> 2) A subject should not appear in Wikipedia when many more 
> subjects in its category or field do not. {The insignificance 
> principle}

This might simply mean that nobody has gotten around to doing the research
on these others yet, and if we keep on deleting the first one in the series,
there's never going to be more than one at a time.

I wonder how this squares with DG's comments about specialist communities.
Asian Ball-Jointed Sex Toys might have a small but devoted following, with
accredited experts in the field and examples changing hands for thousands of
dollars, but so do houses on streets in outer suburbs of Wagga Wagga.

I'm not entirely sure that Wagga Wagga has inner suburbs, let alone outer,
but I'll let that one ride. I'm not an expert on this, but I know that some
of these streets are worth millions.

Peter (Skyring)

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