[WikiEN-l] Personal donations to Wikipedia

Lisa Thurston lisathurston at gmail.com
Mon Jan 2 06:40:39 UTC 2006

Further to my email about ads on Wikipedia, I want to point out some
concerns I have about the current Wikimedia fundraising drive too.

Why haven't tax professionals been consulted to specify exactly what the
tax-deductibility status donations to Wikipedia have in the top donor
countries? It should be found out and explictly specified on the home page.
I for one won't donate without knowing my donation is tax-deductible in
Australia. And if, for instance, it did say "tax deductible in Australia"
Aussies *would* notice it instantly seriously consider donating!

In fact, if the answer for Australia or Canada or Sweden or whatever is "not
deductible" then Wikipedia should make a request for Wikipedians in those
countries to form local chapters to obtain the NGO/charity status. This
wouldn't just help Wikimedia out by generating more revenue, but create a
stronger Wikipedian community outside US and central Europe.


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