[WikiEN-l] Anne Milton (was Re: Attack blogs in WP:LIVING articles)

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.com
Fri Dec 8 15:39:26 UTC 2006

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David Gerard stated for the record:

> I'm just amazed I'm having to explain to someone who's *in politics*
> that learning to play nice with others is more likely to get you what
> you want.
> - d.

Wandering off topic, but: I'm not really surprised.  Some of the rudest
people I've met have been politicians.  My wife and I had dinner at Bill
Simon's home while he was running for Governor of California.  When my
wife mentioned where she worked, he went straight into a rant about how
he hated that company.  Needless to say, he lost more than one vote (and
later the election, but we can't take full credit for that).

Many politicians act like there's a difference between The People (whom
they woo) and mere individuals (whom they scorn).  Generally, those are
the less-successful politicians.

- --
 Sean Barrett     | A day without sunshine is like night.
 sean at epoptic.com |
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