[WikiEN-l] The problem with flagging things with {{office}}

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Fri Apr 21 06:20:49 UTC 2006

James D. Forrester wrote:
> Using the {{office}} template to tag problem content is a nice idea,
> but, I would imagine, has a rather serious drawback: Wikitruth.info
> (amongst other 'helpful' critics) seems to have a sysop working for
> them. Were we to flag an article that was libellous with {{office}}, you
> can bet that they would go and dig out the deleted sections, and repost
> it to their wonderful service. Now Wikimedia has been informed that they
> are likely to be sued, and in response has done something knowing that
> it would increase the publication and spread of this libel. - we're then
> liable for their reposting of the content, and "utterly screwed". I
> know, I know, "that's not what was intended". Well, tough, that's the
> way the Real World(tm) works.

No, that isn't at all how the Real World works.  In the Real World, when 
someone is accused of libel, they do exactly what we do: Take down the 
content and post a prominent notice that it was taken down.  Often the 
original content is actually republished along with an apology; 
something like: "We claimed in our issue of November 2 that Dr. Smith 
was indicted for fraud; in fact, he was merely investigated by a grand 
jury and never indicted; we regret the error."

As far as I know no media organization has been actually sued (at least 
not successfully) for that.


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