[WikiEN-l] Slashdot story

geni geniice at gmail.com
Sun Apr 16 23:01:27 UTC 2006

On 4/16/06, Oskar Sigvardsson <oskarsigvardsson at gmail.com> wrote:
> Just wanted to point everyones attention to a slashdot story about
> wikipedia censorship, it's at
> http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/04/16/1656208
> What the hell is wikitruth.info anyway, I've never heard of it? It's
> currently offline (slashdotted) so I can't check. And who are these
> disgruntled administrators? Is it some sort of wikipedia review
> splinter?
> --Oskar

Nothing to do with wikipedia review (in fact they deleted the
wikipedia review article). Site conntians a mixture of
deleted/temporelerly deleted articles (we are seriously going to have
to talk to them about the GFDL) and articles attacking various
wikipedia policies and a few wikipediains.

The critism articles show a reasonable but incomplete knowlage of
wikipedia and wikipedia events (the cut off point appears to be around
the new year). The writing style is lighthearted.

It contians maybe 50 articles.

It seems to follow the standard model of beliveing there is a cabal.
It picks up on the problems of people talking in wikispeak.


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