[WikiEN-l] Archives as sources proposal

Sean Barrett sean at epoptic.org
Fri Apr 14 17:58:34 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Oskar Sigvardsson stated for the record:

> Honestly, the verifiability argument doesn't fly at all with me. If
> you pick information out of an archive, it's most certainly
> verifiable, someone else can check it out as well. I realise that that
> is a hassle, but that doesn't change the fact that it is verfiable.

I have a specific example: the Wikipedia article on a notable historical
figure, like all other sources I have checked, states that he had two
wives (in series, not parallel).  However, an official government-issued
marriage certificate on file in a county clerk's office proves that he
had another wife between those two.  What will I be permitted to add to
this person's article?

- --
 Sean Barrett     | People who need to be shot usually need to
 sean at epoptic.org | be shot soon and a lot. Very few people
                  | need to be shot later or just a little.
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