[WikiEN-l] Lauritsen speedy deletion??

geni geniice at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 01:45:47 UTC 2005

On 11/22/05, John Lee <johnleemk at gawab.com> wrote:

> This debate strikes me as being one, at its core, about eventualism
> versus immediatism. Tony is arguing that the encyclopedia will clean
> itself up eventually, and that if in doubt, it's better to leave
> possible CSDs alone. Sam and geni are arguing from an immediatist
> perspective, that if it can't be cleaned up immediately and is of no
> encyclopedic value *as it is now*, then it's best junked.

Oh nothing that simple. Eventualism gives two ways to analyise the situation:
Leveing rubish doesn't matter becuase it will improve
Deleting rubish doesn't matter becuase there will be plently more
along in five minutes.

Thus eventualism doesn't ultimately support either side.


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