[WikiEN-l] disputing block:, lysdexia

JAY JG jayjg at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 14 16:36:23 UTC 2005

>From: Autymn D.C. <lysdexia at sbcglobal.net>
>Check my note at Talk:Flying Spaghetti Monsterism.  I'm arguing that it's 
>good to know that the language is full of duplicate words and which and, 
>where possible, to fling away (centrifuge) the Latin and Greek from the 
>English and to think harder about how to put down (deposit) these words 
>without downputting (decreasing) the lot (number) of English whims (ideas).
>>And, while "riht" may have been the correct spelling of that word in
>>the form of English spoken 500 years ago, this too has changed, and
>>it is now considered wrong.
>I know how it's /considered/.  Already now, people within the same language 
>speak and write differently.  Even if they agree that they should write 
>however the greatest dole does, it will have several kinds of rhetoric and 
>dialect.  That they can't live together means that their agreement is on 
>the wrong grounds and they don't know what they're doing.  Knowing what 
>one's doing and putting it distinctly is how to deem objectively.

I think it would make more sense for you to start your own Wikipedia, and 
re-write it into your language, whatever that is.


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