[WikiEN-l] Re: Zero0000 has blocked Lance6Wins....apparently contray to Blocking policy

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Tue Sep 21 19:02:05 UTC 2004

zero 0000 wrote:

>Meanwhile, I have the right (some would say duty as
>a sysop) to continue to protect Wikipedia from
>vandalism.  In the present case, note the dishonest claim
>that the material is from a book when it is actually from a
>TV interview.  (It might turn out to be in the book too, but
>nobody here has actually seen the book.)
That's an odd position---you say he's making a dishonest claim that the 
material is from a book, yet you have not actually checked whether it's 
in the book or not?  How do you know it's dishonest then?


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