[WikiEN-l] Community Input for WikiProject - Fact and Reference Check

Shaun MacPherson shaun_macpherson2001 at yahoo.ca
Wed Sep 1 15:11:45 UTC 2004


First time post, glad to be here.  I would like to
announce a new Fact and Reference WikiProject (
) and am writing this email to get community input.

This project's goal is very ambitious - having facts
in Wikipedia verified by multiple independent sources
to make it the most authoritative source of
information in the world.  Even if this goal is never
reached, the project is still useful in having facts
referenced will help deflect one of the largest
criticisms of Wikipedia - that it is not a reputable
source of knowledge.

Any community input is welcome but some questions you
might consider commenting is: Do you think its a good
idea?  Do you have suggestions or recommendations?  Do
you have a plan of action on how to best fact check
wikipedia?  All input is welcome, excellent criticisms
have already been very helpful.  

As well, if you have any knowledge about designing
wikimedia that would be very useful.  This project and
these ideas likely could not be implemented without a
programmer contributing his or her time to code an
automatic referencing system.  Programmers who are
interested in helping are very much encouraged to have
a look.

It would likely be easiest for people to review your
ideas and comments if you write in the project
discussion page here (
). If you want to write me personally I welcome your
comments (shaun_macpherson2001 [-a-t-] yahoo.ca).

Thanks for your time,


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