[WikiEN-l] A comprehensive list of urgent software modifications

Tony Wilson list at redhill.net.au
Sat May 17 10:41:31 UTC 2003

OK, I have to admit that my suggestion of adding: IF {USERNAME <>
"Lir"} THEN {SET STATUS = "admin"} didn't work. But how about we set
the software gurus to implementing the following improvements?

IF {Page_Content = "politics" OR "freedom of speech"} THEN SET
Database_Server =  "California"

IF {Page_Content = "nudity"} THEN SET Database_Server =  "France"

IF {Page_Content = "uploaded picture" AND Copyright_Expiry_Date > 1900}
 THEN SET Database_Server =  "Australia"

IF {EDIT_TOPIC="Macedonia"} AND {USER =  "anon IP address"} THEN {SET

IF {USER =  "anon IP address"} AND {HOST DOMAIN = "AOL"} THEN {SET USER
STATUS = "blocked"}

IF {TO = "wikien-l at wikipedia.org"} AND {TEXT = "you idiot" OR "you
fool" OR "can't you understand?"} THEN {CREATE NEW EMAIL: SUBJECT = "I
am sorry"}

IF {USER = "Tannin"} AND {TIME => 3:00AM} THEN {REDIRECT CONTENT: "dev:

Tony Wilson

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